Second, I just yesterday got back from mi luna de miel. What with that and helping with wedding planning, my life was purty dang busy.
Anyhoo, enough about me. What I bring to you today is a good video from TED Talks showing time lapse proof of extreme ice loss.
James Balog, a photographer, founded the Extreme Ice Survey to capture the changing glaciers by time-lapse photography and video. His goal is to show everyone visual proof of just how fast glaciers are melting.
Dang, I found a pretty cool site that lets you choose what to rank different countries by (armed forces spending, CO2 emissions, eco-footprint, nuclear power produced, etc.), and it’ll generate a map that changes the size of the countries depending on where they rank in the different categories.
If that last paragraph didn’t make no sense, you’ll see what I’m trying to explain if you just go to their site. Forilla, even if you aren’t interested in environmental mess, you’ll still think this map-generator is pretty dang cool, if I do say so myself.